What we do

Good Governance

What is Good Governance? As an accredited civil society organisation of the Commonwealth, CWN focuses on good governance as a weapon to promote and protect the principles of the Commonwealth, thus elaborate on its sources and implementations below.

Women Economic Empowerment

CWN overview on Women Economic Empowerment
The economic empowerment of women is one of the most fundamental components of achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment more broadly. If women participated in the economy identically to men, it would add up to USD 28 trillion, or 26%, to annual GDP in 2025 compared with a business-usual scenario; and this economic potential is highest in developing countries.
However, focusing on women’s economic empowerment alone will not automatically lead to enhanced gender equality: there is a need to also address wider elements of power imbalances in society and look into the root causes of inequalities. The unequal distribution of unpaid care work is one example of this, and it’s holding back progress on this front.
In addition, there is a need to understand how policies and programmes can create unintended negative impacts and additional barriers for the most vulnerable and marginalised women and girls.

Gender Equality

CWN as an Accredited Organisation (AO) of the Commonwealth focuses on Women, Gender and Economic empowerment. Therefore, our concern for Gender is far nor different form international organisation, UN Women, UNICEF... as reference is gathered to work together as Gender 5 of UN Sustainable Goal is concern.
Gender equality is a fundamental human right. Yet despite progress, women and girls around the world do not fully experience equal rights and their potential as economic, social and sustainable development change-agents remains untapped. It will currently take over 267 years to achieve equality in terms of women’s economic empowerment and participation.
Women are underrepresented across business. They receive unequal pay for equal work and they continue to be targets of physical and sexual abuse. Additionally, women-owned enterprises are economically disadvantaged and lack equal opportunity to compete for business opportunities. Women also face legal and other barriers that affect their opportunities at work and as entrepreneurs.